He holds Bachelor in Biomedical Science (2022) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), a MSc in Bioinformatics from the same institution (2024) and is currently a PhD student at the Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment of the Digital Metropolis Institute at UFRN (BioME/IMD/UFRN). In his current role, he works on the analysis of metagenomic data (shotgun and 16S) and transcriptomic data (scRNA-seq, RNA-seq, and Microarray). He has experience in NGS data analysis, focusing on transcriptomics with an emphasis on differential gene expression, protein-protein interaction networks, and gene regulatory networks. Additionally, he has experience in metagenomics, with a focus on biodiversity analysis and functional assessments. In this context, he is proficient in programming languages such as R and Python, and you can find his most recent projects and packages on his GitHub profile (https://github.com/jvfe). Furthermore, he develops and maintains bioinformatics workflows using languages like Nextflow and Snakemake. He is interested in Systems Biology, Metagenomics, Network Analysis, Computational Reproducibility, and Open Knowledge. He worked as a developer (Student Developer) for the R Project for Statistical Computing, as part of the Google Summer of Code 2021 program, performing social network data analysis.

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