He holds Bachelor in Biomedical Science (2022) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and is currently a master’s student in Bioinformatics at the Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment of the Digital Metropolis Institute at UFRN (BioME/IMD/UFRN). In his current role, he works on the analysis of metagenomic data (shotgun and 16S) and transcriptomic data (scRNA-seq, RNA-seq, and Microarray). He has experience in NGS data analysis, focusing on transcriptomics with an emphasis on differential gene expression, protein-protein interaction networks, and gene regularoty networks. Additionally, he has experience in metagenomics, concentrating on biodiversity analysis and functional assessments. In this context, he is proficient in programming languages such as R and Python, and you can find his most recent projects and packages on his GitHub profile (https://github.com/jvfe). Furthermore, he develops and maintains bioinformatics workflows using languages like Nextflow and Snakemake. He is interested in Systems Biology, Metagenomics, Network Analysis, Computational Reproducibility, and Open Knowledge. He worked as a developer (Student Developer) for the R Project for Statistical Computing, as part of the Google Summer of Code 2021 program, performing social network data analysis.

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