I am a PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. During my bachelor’s degree, I conducted research in the areas of Classical Field Theory and Population Dynamics. I established collaborations with researchers at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, where I developed numerical simulations of population biodynamics. In my master’s degree, I delved into the field of Gravitation; I studied the 3+1 Formalism of General Relativity and Numerical Relativity, and I conducted simulations of black hole collisions. In my doctoral research, I worked on gravitational waves in collaboration with LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) and carried out a project involving machine learning and the quality of numerical gravitational waves. I enjoy theoretical work in the areas of Cosmology and Gravitation, numerical work using C/C++, Python, and Julia, and Machine Learning for any interdisciplinary project in the field of Exact Sciences.

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